Winter Break : Campus Hours

FYI….There are NO CLASSES during Winter Break from December 24 to January 2. The building will be open on Monday, 12/27, through Thursday, 12/30, from 8:00AM -5:00PM. Classes and normal operating hours will resume on Monday, January 3.

Congrats to Dr. McCollum’s Class!

The Anatomy and Physiology Lab (Room 154) won this year’s Holiday Decoration Contest. Thank you to all of the students, faculty, and staff that participated.

Vote for Campus Decoration Contest

Voting began on 12/9 for the Decoration Contest. Pick up a ballot from the Front Desk and vote on your favorite decorated door or window around the halls of ECPI University Greenville by 12/22.

Twelve Days of Festivities

Welcome to the Twelve Days of Festivities. Let’s have some fun in the last few weeks of 2021. There will be an event on-campus every day. Check this website and the ECPI App for event reminders.

Recipe Swap on Friday, 12/17

The 12 Days of Festivities continues. Please bring a recipe to trade with your classmates, colleagues, and friends. The Healthy Holiday Recipe Swap will be held in the Student Break Room from 11AM-1PM.